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bergman31    658
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Coś mocniejszego👹

I coś lżejszego😀

Coś z polskiej klasyki


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andrzej612b    230
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 😟😃 Ciągle pada ten cholerny deszcz 🙉  🙊

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marks50    3661

No to pajdiom z kaniom ,, wiosna jest to juz czas

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    • Gość
      Przez Gość
      Wszyscy wiemy o co chodzi. Rozmowy na temat programów rozrywkowych o rolnikach i nie tylko 🥳
    • Przez Marciano
      Czy posiada ktoś z Was serie filmów dokumentalnych z cyklu " czas na konytrowersyjny dokument - Złote łany"o rolnikach z Dolnego Śląska, ogladałem kiedysten serial na TVP1 ok 8 lat temu i bardzo chętnie obejzał bym to jeszcze raz, podejżewam ze nie tylko ja jeden. Jeśli ktos ma w swoich zasobach " ZŁote Łany" to bardzo prosze o kontakt i udostępnienie. Z góry dziekuje i pozdrawiam.
    • Przez davidek_20

      Warto kupić tą książkę puki jest jeszcze dostepna
    • Przez davidek_20
      Przynajmniej - Samiec Alfa
    • Gość
      Przez Gość
      This talent is among the many melee-focused talents gamers can acquire in RuneScape three, aleven although OSRS gold requires an enormous amount of effort for it to be achieved. Because of its outstanding activation and capabilities that it's not a good fit for novice gamers and is higher in those who are experienced using the Revolution fight machine.
      Blood Tendrils is the excellent melee fighting capability that is to be found in RuneScape 3. It's not unlockable until an player is into the middle of the sport. The capacity calls for seventy five Attack to be used, and is among the five bleed abilities that can be used to fight. It leads to the most thrilling sword fights to be had during the sport.
      A target of this size will sustain anything from 36% to 180?ility damages and in further bleeding impact. However, the caster might be prone to bleed damage. This is why it's important for gamers to not use this device when their HP is simply too small, as it can kill them.
      Runelite HD is a mod (made by means of one character that is 117) that takes Old School RuneScape and offers it an HD overhaul. It was a long time than in the year of 2018, Jagex was sending threat of imprisonment to mods like this, claiming they had been copyright infringement. The threats, however, appeared to have been blown away since Jagex offered their support to the exclusive Runelite.
      But in advance this week, simply hours earlier than the new Runelite HD turned into due to launch professionally, 117 was contacted using Jagex and demanded that the artwork delay and the release be cancelled. This time, however it's no longer complete to buy OSRS GP copyright claims. This is due to the fact Jagex states that they're developing their own HD improve.
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